Space Equipment Design and Analysis

Space Equipment Design and Analysis Space Equipment Design and Analysis  We Offer Design and analysis services to the Space sector, including production and test equipment as well as mechanical satellite componentry.  Experience Many years experience in the Space...

Aerospace Design and Analysis

Aerospace Design and Analysis  We Offer Design and analysis services to defence and civil aerospace sectors, specialising in lightweight structures and mechanisms.  Experience Considerable experience in the design of class A flight components and supporting research...

Gas Turbines Design and Analysis

Gas Turbines Design and Analysis  We Offer Design and analysis services to aero-engine, power and marine gas turbine customers in the defence and civil sectors.  Experience Decades of experience working with major manufacturers to provide complete design and...

Marine Equipment Design and Analysis

Marine Equipment Design and Analysis  We Offer Design and analysis services to defence and civil customers requiring metallic and composite marine equipment.  Experience Considerable experience in the design of marine structures subject to extreme loading and...