Latest News March 2019

In order to serve two of our customers markets, Aerospace (Gas Turbine development) and Marine Defence, we have invested further in our business.

This Newsletter reports on our latest developments..

New Office Space Up and Running

Motorsport Design & Analysis
Our new (adjacent) unit has been utilised as a conference room allowing us to free up space in our main office to set-up an integrated project team for our customers. This will give our customers the benefit of a close working team on a demanding design project which requires close co-operation between our designers and analysts.

Gas Turbine Development Update

We remain highly active in the field of design and structural analysis support to the gas turbine industry. We are currently teaming with a number of large manufacturing companies to provide a turnkey service to our end customers. 

Significantly, we have recently completed investment in all new servers and are building secure links with both fellow design consultancies and detail 3D CAD drafting companies to provide a seamless service on large scale gas turbine development projects. On top of this, new senior engineers are joining us over the coming weeks to cover advanced finite element analysis and 3D CAD using SIEMENS NX.

Composite Structures

One of our developing engineers, Dan Green is performing some advanced composite materials research for us in conjunction with Surrey University as part of his studies towards an MEng in Aerospace Engineering. This project involves modelling of new advanced wet lay-up materials in order to give us a reliable database tool that will predict material properties more accurately…

New Team Member: Aaron

Aaron joins us to bolster up our design and analysis team, he will initially be involved with structural and dynamic analysis of complex aero-mechanical structures. Aaron also has specialist CFD analysis capabilities in the field of combustion modelling from his time at Ricardo plc.