Latest News May 2020

Our business is powering upwards – please read on below for our latest news May 2020…

Impact, Shock & Vibration Analysis is highly active!

Our analysis team is busy working to solve customers impact, shock and vibration problems using our advanced analysis tools namely, NASTRAN and Dytran. Providing this service across a wide range of markets, from science to marine defence, they are assessing components subjected to harsh environments. We have recently invested in three high specification workstations allowing for even quicker analysis runs to reduce our lead times.

CFD & Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis (FSI) Update – This area continues to grow at pace!

An current example case study: The image shows an analysis of vortex-shedding from a simple cylinder. Although well-known, this is not so easy to demonstrate with a CFD analysis, as the unsteady, fluctuating flows are not well-captured with a standard Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method. Here we have used Detached-Eddy Simulation (DES), a hybrid methodology where the near-wall region is modelled using RANS and the rest of the domain using Large Eddy Simulation (LES). This approach allows predictions of the unsteady vortex shedding to be produced, while keeping overall model sizes reasonable.

Advanced Composites Division Update

Our Advanced Composites team is developing further links with composite component manufacturers to enable us to provide a “turnkey” solution to our customers for design & make. Designing lightweight composite aero-engine intakes is a regular feature for our composites team. These intakes hold a variety of aerodynamic measuring instrumentation to investigate fan flutter, cross wind effects and quality of air presentation. All this leading to more efficient air vehichles.

The composite team is also designing lightweight composite panels for a variety of applications where weight saving is critical under very harsh loading conditions. The team is supported by the CFD and advanced analysis team in order to conduct fluid structure interaction investigations.

Advanced Engineering Division Update

We are currently designing equipment for the development of future air vehicle propulsion systems. From Jet Nozzles working in very high temperature conditions to gas turbine engine test pylons.

Performing hot to cold or unrunning analysis of loaded shapes to achieve as manufactured shapes that will gain their optimum aerodynamic performance when loaded in service is critical.

Further work is ongoing designing future gas turbine combustion test equipment which, will enable our customers to test much cleaner and more efficient combustion equipment, leading to lower emissions and a cleaner sky. Projects involving very high temperature materials and complex fabrications is usual business to this team.

Defence Activities Update

Our Defence activities remain robust and highly active, servicing the surface marine defence and sub surface systems operations. We are providing a wide range of services to the Defence industry, including composite component design, shock and vibration studies and CFD analysis.

COVID-19 Virus Update

In order to protect our employees, customers and the rest of the UK, all of our employees remain working from home. Our ban on all travel remains in place unless risk assessed and vital.

We have heavily invested in all new laptops where required for our staff, along with bespoke remote software tools. Our software suppliers, SIEMENS, PTC and MSC have provided us with free keys to enable our team be fully functional whilst working remotely – we are extremely grateful for this help through these challenging times.
Its business as usual on all fronts for us.