Latest News September 2020
Welcome to Frewer Engineering’s Latest News September 2020.
This month’s edition provides an update on a number of key milestones achieved over the last month, plus our ambitions, plans and high confidence for business into 2021.
Magnetics Simulation Capability

This development allows us to perform advanced non-linear Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations for complex magnetics and multi-physics scenarios, interactions and coupled phenomena, including:
- Electromagnetics
- Magnetostatics
- Electrostatics
- Piezoelectric
- Structural
- Thermal
- Thermo-Mechanical
- Electrical-Thermal-Mechanical
- Induction Heating
- Thermal-Electrical (Joule Heating)
- Magnetodynamic-Thermal
- Magnetostatic-Structural and Thermal
We are the safe pair of hands required by industry to generate robust safety cases and support safe operation, from first concept, through to closure and decommissioning.
Welcome to New Starter Leon Harman

Jet Blast Simulation

Coupled with our ability to offer tightly coupled design services, this breakthrough allows us to develop:
- Scoop and intake design with shock management features
- Trans-sonic and supersonic aerolines shaping design
- Support to engine/airframe integration
- Thrust vectoring simulation
- Support to runway planning, deck-wash simulation and jet-blast deflector positioning
- VTOL and STOVL jet-blast impingement and wake modelling
Frewer Engineering is now Cyber Essentials PLUS Certified

Above and beyond our security accreditations achieved last month, our security status has been upgraded, this month, to Cyber Essentials Plus, demonstrating our ongoing commitment and investment in our IT infrastructure and security.
It is the resilience of our IT systems which has led to a record-breaking year through COVID-19, despite the obvious challenges presented by uninterrupted working through the pandemic.
Updated Website to include Divisional Sectors of Frewer Engineering

To support our continued growth strategy into 2021 and beyond, Frewer Engineering has been grouped into three Divisional Sectors which acknowledge the deep specialisms of Advanced Composites design, and Advanced Engineering Analysis.
These divisions have been set up to allow us to continue to grow the business at pace, however it is important to note that it is the overlap between Divisions which remains the most important aspect of the Frewer service. We remain, and always will remain, an integrated and agile team, with the ability to tool-up quickly for significant packages of work, serviced from all three Divisions.
Composites Update