Latest News October 2022
Welcome to the Frewer Engineering latest news October 2022.
Continued expansion of our advanced engineering capabilities…
Future Gas Turbine Propulsion Development

Our future advanced aero-engine fan, compressor and turbine development team are busy working on a new testing facility in order to explore at a high speed, different options of internal aerodynamics (internal air washed surfaces – both rotating and static).
The test facility allows very fast changeround times for experiment, meaning many varieties of shape can be explored quickly. this means our customer can quickly converge on a performance increase at low cost!
The engineering involves advanced CFD analysis of air presentation along with complex bearing arrangement design and associated rotor dynamics.
Please do read more on our capabilities in this challenging market by clicking the link below:
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) service grows

Using our preferred codes of STAR-CCM+ and MSC SC Flow our CFD team have been modelling a variety of customer scenarios from wake optimisation, shape optimisation and much more.
Our team continues to grow to meet our customers demand. We have just taken on a further senior CFD analyst with many years of experience to bolster our engineering capability here and will report more on this next month.
We continue to invest in new staff, more computing power along with speeding up our intranet by means of high speed switches (see article below) to facilitate larger and more complex modelling.
If you need advanced CFD analysis backed up by years of experience, then please click on the link below to read more:
Complex Future Fuel Cell Development & Test

Our engineering team are working on the modelling of complete process systems for the trial of new Fuel Cell installations which are being developed by one of our customers.
The modelling which uses codes such as Python, simulates all elements of what is a complex system to feed and control the fuel cell stacks.
Using their understanding of fluids, heat transfer and performance they are building a digit twin model of the first build and test of the concept.
If you need complex Fluid Dynamics along with Thermodynamic analysis, then please click on the link below to read more:
Shock & Vibration Analysis

At Frewer Engineering, our engineers are well-versed in the assessment of structures subjected to dynamic loading, including shock and vibration. Our experienced staff can use a breadth of analytical techniques, from the use of relatively straightforward pseudo-static equivalent shock loads, up to explicit dynamic analysis of applied shock pulses and the use of fully coupled fluid structure interaction (FSI) analysis where both the propagation of the shock wave and its interaction with a loaded structure are modelled. Our experience in vibration analysis includes the use of full transient dynamic FEA as well as response spectrum and random response techniques. Such methods have been employed across a range of industries, including naval, nuclear and aerospace. Our understanding and experience across the range of analytical methods allows us to select the most appropriate solution to our clients’ problems and to perform effective yet efficient analyses as required.
Find out more by clicking on the link below:
Composite Structure Update

Our composite structures design team have just completed the development of a new carbon composite set of shrouds used for aerolines simulation on testing a new future gas turbine for civil aerospace useage.
The structure has to meet tight shape tolerances along with environmental loadings of high temperature, vibration and pressure loading!
The team have also developed a new type of seal which involves co-bonding an aramid working seal shape into the main carbon fibre structure (a first we believe in civil aerospace). This seal accommodates very large movements whilst maintaining an air tight boundary which is important to our customer for testing and monitoring performance.
Its been a long program of wok over the last year or more and good to see it ready for service with the end customer now.
Find out more about our advanced Composite Structures Design & Analysis capabilities by clicking on the link below:
Marine Defence Update

Marine Defence remains a buoyant market for us and continues to grow with ever larger projects.
Recent investments in security, both physical and personnel means we are better placed to resource this complex and busy market.
All three of our divisions, Advanced Engineering Design, CFD and Composite structures remain busy on future equipment development.
Our digital security team are now working on our reapproval for Cyber Essentials Plus along with recently completing our registration on ASTRID framework allowing procurement departments across the defence industry to access all our company data.
This saves our clients money in the form of reduced procurement labour time to set our business up as a supplier on their systems.
Please click on the link below to read more on our defence engineering capabilities:
Continued investment in capabilities & equipment

As of Monday next week, we will have completed our latest round of investment in our new IT system.
Everything is aimed at being able to model more complex problems faster along with the ability to move data around intranet faster. this allows us to both process problems quicker for our customers along with pre and post process the results faster by means of speedier communications.
Who would have thought a high speed switch set could cost £14,000 – we have three!
Our YouTube channel has a number of videos which the reader may find interesting!