Latest News August 2023
Welcome to the Frewer Engineering latest news August 2023.
We are attending the DSEI exhibition next week so please do reach out for a one to one with our senior management.
In this issue we report on our advanced gas turbine test equipment design activities along with much more.
We hope you enjoy the read.
We are attending the DSEI Exhibition next week
Please do get in touch with us if you would like a face to face meeting at the DSEI exhibition next week at London EXCEL.
Representatives from our senior management team will be attending on the Wednesday and Thursday (13th & 14th of September).
Please feel free to contact us on
Or feel free to call us on 07714170534.
Gas turbine test facility update

Our gas turbine test rig team are fast approaching the critical design review of the facility test equipment for the new Whittle Laboratory at Cambridge University.
The breaking ground of the new facility was one of the first engagements that the King made after his coronation and two of our team where there for the official opening.
This project involves the design of a test facility capable of scale testing new concept fan systems, compressors and turbines using our design of rig that facilitates very quick change of test shapes. This will allow the fast exploration of new ideas to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact of future systems.
Marine Defence Update

With appropriate security controls in place to facilitate complex systems design, we are well placed to resource a variety of structures design and general equipment design.
Our team are well versed with the environmental threats of both on surface and sub surface equipment design.
Working in both composite material based structures and bespoke lightweight metallic structures to meet our end customer design requirements for survivability, life etc.
With capabilities in shock, vibration, CFD, fluid structure interaction analysis (FSI) and much more – please do reach out to us with any requirements.
Our Defence Engineering team are all UK Nationals and our business is accredited to JOSCAR and Cyber Essential Plus which facilitate seamless communications.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Team Update

Our CFD team have been busy performing optimisation of internal air flows on a variety of gas turbine testing rigs.
Using our CFD tools of Star CCM & SC Flow to solve complex customer problems.
Further, we have just invested in two state of the art high specification work stations so the team can solve larger and more complex problems faster for our clients.
Our CFD team head, Martha Cooper is also expanding her resource capability to meet new customer demands.
High Temperature Combustion Test Equipment Design

With the capability to produce large and highly accurate 3D full thermo-mechanical models to simulate transients and a range of operating conditions, we verify displacements, life and much more to e3nsure in service operation is achieved.
Specific expertise in the field of water cooling and insulation is also key.
To read more on our capabilities, please click on the link below:
Development of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Test Equipment

Our engineers have been continuing their support to the design and development of a suite of next generation fuel cell test stands. Our involvement has included developing bespoke thermo-fluid analysis tools, mechanical design of pipework, heat exchanger and instrumentation systems as well as thermal structural analysis to predict thermal expansion rates and resultant component stresses.
Our multi-skilled design team has been able to run three separate, but linked projects concurrently and recently passed several key design milestones. Our ability to link and work across multiple different design and analysis disciplines provides our customers with an efficient and comprehensive service.
Our Team Expands in Size

Pictured here are some of our team based in our Offices at The 1870 Building.
We are pleased to report that in this 20th of year of trading, we are in expansion mode!
Our team continues to grow and new staff are joining us over the coming months.
Our new team members will be bolstering our mechanical design capabilities along with complex CFD and Thermal capabilities.
Current Team Training Update

Current training is being undertaken by our staff in the use of our DYTRAN software tool – enabling modelling of complex events such as blast, shock impact and much more.
Under guidance of our senior analysis team, this area of our business is set to develop further in capability.