Latest News August 2018
In this issue we report on a new member of our management team, Simon Apsley, who will be playing a key role in running our customer’s projects and business growth.
I hope this provides a useful update on us!
Vibration Analysis Consultancy

We are currently highly active in the field of vibration prediction of machines and large structures.
Using NASTRAN to predict a whole variety of problems such as those listed below is ongoing:
- Forced Vibration
- Tuning of structures natural frequencies
- Rotordynamic analysis of rotating machinery and its supports
- Fatigue prediction
- Shock Analysis
- Plus a whole lot more!
Tuning our customers design to avoid unwanted frequencies is a regular requirement.
Gas Turbine Development Engineering

This market is one were we are highly active at present.
Working in the field of future gas turbine development, ranging from combustion equipment research concepting, experimental rigs for a variety of engine stages, Nozzles, Intakes and much more!
This market demands very high power computing to crunch large numbers and hence recent investments in new computing hardware (high spec workstationsions with SSD’s and huge memory installed) has been made to allow us to cope with ever increasing model sizes.
We are also investing in our NX Software tools in the field of data management.
Submersible Marine Structures

New Management Team Member