Latest News January 2020
We hope you enjoy catching up with our first newsletter of the year!
Plans for 2020

After an exceptional year in 2019 which has seen us grow in capabilities and scope, we plan to further develop our capabilities to suit our customer needs. Its all about developing agility in 2020.
Meeting our customers requirements to “one stop shop” Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD), Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis (FSI) and advanced Finite Element Analysis (FEA), coupled with our advanced 3D CAD design skills, gives us a capability that is hard to find under one company roof!
Combining the above capabilities with our composite structures design team gives us the ability to resource complex projects unique to our business! Click here to find out more on our services to industry.
Aero-engine Gas Turbine Development Update

This market remains one of our most active and 2020 looks to be no different.
Our design for manufacture capabilities will be bolstered by these closer ties with manufacturing companies to ensure our designs are matched to the production resource available.
Our CFD/FSI services continue to grow

Submersible Marine Structures

We have been very active in this market throughout 2019, resulting in us developing honed skills in the field of deeply submersed composite structures. In 2020 we will be investing further in the strength predictions of composite structures, developing our 3D CAD (using PTCCreo) and much more!
This market exercises our CFD and composite structures design teams along with our advanced finite element analysis engineers allowing us to perform a one stop shop for our customers requirements. In 2020 we will be developing our analysis techniques for “thick composite” structures which requires a unique approach in the field of strength assessment.
Composite Structures Update

Geoff Sherwood joins us