Latest News March 2020
A great reason to use Frewer Engineering for support on your engineering challenges
Uniquely, our ability to combine complex CFD analysis with advanced composite structures design along with advanced lightweight and highly loaded engineering structures design, all under one roof, gives us the ability to service all our customer needs as a “one stop shop”.
We hope you enjoy the read…
CFD & Advanced Analysis

Our CFD Division is conducting complex internal aerodynamic performance improvements on our customers gas flow requirements. The example given here is a typical optimisation of flow straightening using a Zanker flow straightening device.
Further activities are performing fluid structure interaction analysis of equipment floating on the sea surface and much more…
Advanced Engineering Division

Simon Apsley, our head of the Advanced Engineering Division reports:
Frewer Engineering are currently sourcing hardware and software for a new in-house Virtual Reality capability. The new system will support the work of the Advanced Engineering and Composites Design Divisions, enhancing the Design capabilities of Frewer Engineering and bolstering our low-carbon working methods. Our new facility will allow immersive and comprehensive Design Reviews to take place with stakeholder groups, regardless of their location.
Aero-engine gas turbine development is highly active at time of writing. With a diverse range of projects ranging from the design of hot gas exhaust nozzles to lightweight engine intakes underway.
A large part of our activities in this division involve the design of future high performance combustion rigs to facilitate the development of new lower emission combustion in gas turbines. This equipment operates & measures gas temperatures above the melting point of most metals!
Advanced Composites Division

Matthew Jeffreys our head of the Advanced Composites Division reports:
It’s been an extremely challenging but incredibly exciting year here within the Composites Division at Frewer Engineering. With multiple projects within the Marine, Defence and Aerospace sectors, all have required a combination of our key skillsets of concept design, FEA, tooling design and weight optimisation. 2020 has started in the same vein and looks set to continue into the foreseeable future. Long may it continue!
Optimising the weight (using FEA analysis) of high integrity structures for components subjected to severe environmental conditions and/or loadings is the name of the game here.
From the design of large-scale lightweight aero-engine composite intakes, loaded with critically orientated instrumentation, to the design of highly loaded submarine structures, we provide our customers with complete analysis and design solutions within a true ‘one-stop-shop’.
Matthew Jeffreys, our Divisional Head of Composites continues to add high tech methods, gained from his days in Formula 1 chassis design, to our aerospace and marine composites activities.
Submersible Marine Structures

COVID-19 Virus Update
Frewer Engineering is uniquely positioned to fend off the impact of the virus currently spreading the globe as all our staff are set up to work remotely, if required, as a matter of course.
Using the latest technology such as remote VPN server access, WebEx & Zoom for video conferencing and much more, we already encourage remote staff and supplier working as part of our culture.
Frewer Engineering, as a result of our working methods, is well set to resist any interruption to our customers projects.
At time of writing, we have a ban on all travel unless risk assessed and essential to a project. Further, customer visits are currently requested as being postponed until the situation is assessed as lower risk.