Latest News March 2023
Welcome to the Frewer Engineering latest news March 2023.
We are celebrating 20 years trading this year. This newsletter reports on recent updates in our niche design & analysis consultancy scope.
Please do get in touch with us to discuss any emerging requirements by following the contact us button at the bottom of the page.
Multi-Discipline Design – A Frewer Specialism

Multi-discipline design development of full systems is a key service offering here at Frewer Engineering. Our team are currently involved in the design of a gas turbine test rig, which will ultimately be used to test fan, compressor and turbine set-ups to help improve efficiencies on the route to flyzero. The design and analysis package includes design of the rig itself along with the support and containment structures. Combining expertise in design for manufacture, pressure vessel design, structural analysis, fluid flow optimisation and rotordynamics, results in a one stop shop service. Our expertise and agile team ethos allow us to iterate between CAD, FEA and CFD efficiently to provide optimised solutions our customers’ requirements.
Thermal Analysis – It’s a Burning Issue!

Assessment of complex thermal loading is second nature to our advanced analysis team. In order to manage extreme temperatures and thermal gradients, our team develop bespoke calculations and CFD models to assess the heat flows through solid, liquid and gaseous phases. These models offer detailed, through-wall temperature and heat transfer maps for the associated equipment, which are then coupled to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) models. The FEA models assess movement due to thermal expansion, allowing us to develop designs which flex and float to accommodate thermal movement, whilst maintaining structural integrity and functionality of the equipment.
Green Energy – Digital Twin Modelling

Digital twin modelling continues to grow as our customers demand greater accuracy of performance when they come to test new products. Our team is currently utilising modelling which uses codes such as Python, simulating all elements of what is a complex system, to feed and control fuel cell stacks. Using their understanding of fluids, heat transfer and performance our team are building a digital twin model of the first build and test of the concept.
The prototype cells generate electricity which is either used onsite, or fed into the National Grid. Our digital twins are being built to characterise the mid-power stands currently in use. Once complete and validated, the models will be used as a design tool to develop all-new cell stacks and stands, many times the power. This project is a key part of our mission to use our engineering abilities to support Net Zero and decarbonise.
Thermal Management – Ventilation & Cooling

Frewer Engineering have extensive experience in the thermal management and ventilation of machinery spaces. This includes iterative design of systems to manage heat loading and ensure adequate cooling of equipment in relatively cramped volumes. Examples include spaces which originally benefitted from large volumes of natural cooling ventilation flow and now are more compact, or sited in stagnant regions with a limited ability to lose heat and the potential for over-heating. Our engineers investigate these issues using computational tools and propose minimal changes to manage any over-heating issues, without inviting secondary problems such as high-power demand for ventilation fans, or excessive noise. Such services apply equally well to macro-scale facilities and engine rooms, through to small-scale boxed products and electronics.
Compressor & Turbine Testing – Fluid Flow Analysis

Our engineers are employing CFD to assess air presentation throughout the gas paths of gas turbine test equipment, dictating flow quality received by test rotatives. Our combined design and analysis capabilities allows these analyses to seamlessly shape the mechanical system around the fluid one, optimising pressure loss and flow efficiency in one, and minimising mass in the other. When flow regimes just won’t propagate in the right direction, fear not, flow conditioning is here! Packaging gas paths into tight spaces is common in both flight & rig systems, but tight bends and rapid expansions cause non-uniformity. Implicit simulations of flow conditioning features like pressure screens, honeycombs & flow straighteners allow us to assess their benefits for bulk flow characteristics, and optimise the number/tuning of devices needed.
Advanced Design – Pipe Dreams Turned to Reality

Our engineering team are currently working on the design and analysis of complex, high temperature pipework systems. The design of these systems involves intricate routing of various sizes and materials of pipework, all whilst subject to high temperature loading and tight space constraints, making this a challenging, but rewarding project. The pipework being designed will be utilised in the green energy industry, supporting our aims for decarbonising.
One of our strengths at Frewer is the ability to close the optimisation loop between design and analysis fast, and this project has been reflecting this, with many iterations between mechanical design, thermal structural analysis, and CFD analysis being performed to create a high performing engineering solution.
Experienced Engineers – Thriving Under Pressure

Our wider team here at Frewer Engineering have a combined experience spanning decades when it comes to the intricacies and challenges of pressure vessel design. This includes advanced analyses, such as impact and seismic cases, all whilst working to the latest standards and keeping to the stringent regulations seen across many industries, in particular the nuclear sector. The knowledge and expertise of our team allows advanced analyses to be performed at a high standard with quick turnaround times, resulting in efficient design optimisation to obtain high performance end products.
Data Security – Cyber Essentials Plus Certification

During the last month we passed our annual Cyber Essentials Plus certification!
This is an in-depth process that demonstrates the high level of cyber security that we endeavour for, and shows commitment to keeping our customers and suppliers’ confidential information safe and secure. The process ensures that our network is constantly updated with the latest firmware and software updates, and passwords complex enough to prevent potential hackers infiltrating the system. The knowledge learned from this is utilised in our IT training for new and current employees to ensure they are kept up to date with the latest cyber security information.